We follow Jesus Christ by living the Carmelian Spirit- prayer and action well united- as we continually strive for quality education.
Mount Carmel School of Infanta strives towards the holistic formation of the person in communion with the family, Church, and society under the maternal care of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Who is the Carmelian?
The Carmelian is the youth who knows his dignity as son of God.Believing that Christ has suffered and died for him, he lives Christ’s risen life with courage and joy, in the confident hope of being able, one day, to say:
“It is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me”
Committed to his share of building a world of justice, peace, and love, he wisely spends his school years as a privileged time during which he develops himself in preparation for the service of responsible leadership in his community and nation.
It is only in the way of prayer- genuine relationship with God and fellowmen- that he will discover and realize his identity as a Carmelian.
One does not become a Carmelian overnight…
one has not yet become a Camelian even by graduation day…
For the Carmelian is but the Christian and one becomes a Christian by being reborn in the Spirit everyday…until the day of eternity.